Stackless tagging (+ fixes/enhancements) in Clojush

November 4, 2010
by Lee Spector (lspector)

Several changes have been made to Clojush, the most significant of which is the implementation of stackless tagging (motivated here and here, with the implemented details described below).

20101102: - Switched to new clojure.core/frequencies from depricated
            seq-utils/frequencies (h/t Kyle Harrington), and similarly
            for flatten.
          - Added :include-randoms keyword argument for registered-for-type.
            Defaults to true, but if specified as false then instructions
            ending with "_rand" will be excluded.
          - Raised invalid output penalty in tg8 (it was lower than reasonable
            errors for that problem).
20101103: - Converted evalpush-limit and evalpush-time-limit into vars
            (global-evalupush-limit and global-evalpush-time-limit) bound
            to atoms that are reset by calls to pushgp (keyword arguments
            :evalpush-limit and :evalpush-time-limit).
          - Changed pushgp parameters in the tg8.clj example.
20101104: - Implemented stackless tagging (see
            2010/10/28/stackless-tagging/). Tag instructions take one of
            the following forms:
                create tage/value association, with the value taken from the
                stack of the given type and the number serving as the tag
                remove the association for the closest-matching tag
                push the value associated with the closest-matching tag onto
                the exec stack (or no-op if no associations).
            Here "closest-matching" means the tag with lowest number that
            is greater than or equal to the number of the tag being matched,
            or the lowest-numbered tag if none meet this criterion. Tag
            instructions are not implemented in the same way as other
            instructions; they are detected and handled specially by the
            interpreter (see execute-instruction). Tag instructions
            can be included in pushgp runs by using the new ephemeral
            random constant functions tag-instruction-erc,
            untag-instruction-erc, and tagged-instruction-erc, each of
            which takes a limit (for the numerical part) as an
          - Added examples using tags: tagged_ant, tagged_regression, and

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